Salve a tutti!
Questo post si intitola così proprio perchè le foto che state per vedere rappresentano per me il ricordo più bello, il posto più bello che abbia mai visto nella mia vita.
E' proprio qui che mi rifugio nelle giornate tristi, nei momenti di sconforto, nei periodi in cui la vita non è cosi come ce l'eravamo immaginata. Un luogo sospeso nel tempo, fluttuante nell'aria in una dimensione che non esiste. Un'aria mai sentita prima, un'atmosfera surreale e magica, ma cosà sorprendente nella sua naturale bellezza. Profumo di fiori, di terreno,
un'aria fresca e frizzante.
Cielo azzurro, il più azzurro ch abbia mai visto. Alberi verdi, i più verdi che abbia mai visto. Un sole caldo, un'erba morbida...
Adoro guardare queste foto, mi sembra a volte ancora di essere lì, tra quelle montagne, camminare lungo quei sentieri, con il peso dello zaino sulle spalle che il più delle volte scompariva. A tratti mi sembra di osservare i miei scarponi farsi strada... immaginare cosa mi aspettasse dietro la curva che si inoltrava nella montagna, e poi osservare proprio quello che non avevi immaginato... mi sembrano ricordi di ore fa quando tutti insieme camminavamo lungo quel sentiero, arrivare al rifugio già con il buoio, e distrutti e montare le tende... ricordo quella notte passata ad immaginare come sarebbe stato quello da tanti definito: "il magico Lago di Tovel" quasi non riuscivo a dormire per l'emozione e poi......
Hi all!
This post has this title just because the photos that you'll see soon, belong the best memory for me, the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life.
And here is exaclty the palce in which I take refuge in the sad days, in times of distress, in times when life is not as angry as we had imagined. A place suspended in time, floating in the air, into a dimension that does not exist. An air never felt before, a surreal and magical, but sostriking in its natural beauty. Bouquet of flowers, soil, fresh air and frizzy. Blue skies, the bluest I've ever seen. Green trees, the greenest I've ever seen. A warm sun, soft grass ...
I love watching these pictures, and sometimes it still seems to be there in those mountains, walk along those paths, with the weight of the backpack that most of the time disappeared. Sometimes it seems to me to keep my shoes make their way ...imagine what I was waiting around the bend that goes into the mountain, and then see exaxly what you hadn't imagined ... I seem to remember of hours ago when we walked together along that path, reach the refuge already with the oxen, and destroyed and you mount the tend ... I remember the night before to imagine what would have been called by many "the magical Lake Tovel" I could hardly sleep forthe excitement and then ......
This post has this title just because the photos that you'll see soon, belong the best memory for me, the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life.
And here is exaclty the palce in which I take refuge in the sad days, in times of distress, in times when life is not as angry as we had imagined. A place suspended in time, floating in the air, into a dimension that does not exist. An air never felt before, a surreal and magical, but sostriking in its natural beauty. Bouquet of flowers, soil, fresh air and frizzy. Blue skies, the bluest I've ever seen. Green trees, the greenest I've ever seen. A warm sun, soft grass ...
I love watching these pictures, and sometimes it still seems to be there in those mountains, walk along those paths, with the weight of the backpack that most of the time disappeared. Sometimes it seems to me to keep my shoes make their way ...imagine what I was waiting around the bend that goes into the mountain, and then see exaxly what you hadn't imagined ... I seem to remember of hours ago when we walked together along that path, reach the refuge already with the oxen, and destroyed and you mount the tend ... I remember the night before to imagine what would have been called by many "the magical Lake Tovel" I could hardly sleep forthe excitement and then ......
Un giorno sicuramente ritornerò al lago ti Tovel (magari con la mia nuova reflex), eppure anche se otterrò foto migliori, il ricordo più bello sarà sempre quello che traspare tra queste poche, decentrate foto...spensieratezza, tranquillità e...
E voi siete mai stati al Lago di Tovel?
alla prossima follower!
One day will surely come back to the lake Tovel (maybe with my new refelx camera), but even if I will get better pictures, the best memory will always be the one that emerges from these few photos ... decentralized carefree, peaceful and...
E voi siete mai stati al Lago di Tovel?
alla prossima follower!
One day will surely come back to the lake Tovel (maybe with my new refelx camera), but even if I will get better pictures, the best memory will always be the one that emerges from these few photos ... decentralized carefree, peaceful and...
and what about you
have you ever seen the Lake of Tovel?
see you soon followers!