Hi everybody!
Oggi vi parlo di uno dei Parchi Naturali piĆ¹ belli della Spagna: Il Parco Naturale Alto Tajo.
Today we'll talk about one of the best Natural Park in Spain: The Alto Tajo Natural Park.
A circa 150 km da Madrid, permette di scoprire una Spagna silenziosa e incontaminata, l'ideale per chi vuole trascorrere delle giornate in relax lontano dalla civiltĆ . Ho visitato questo parco durante lo scambio interculturale in Spagna, e ricordo perfettamente la sensazione di pace e tranquillitĆ appena arrivati nel parco.
At about 150km from Madrid, the Park will show you a very silent and uncontaminated Spain, perfect for those who wanted to spent a relaxing day far from the civilization. I've seen this park duing the international exchange I've done in Spain, and I perfectly remember the feelings of peace and the quiet which immediatly surrounded us, when we arrived there, The best thing for me, was the perfect mix between the green all around and the azure of the river which crossed amost all the park.
So even if you wanted to take a walk around of even if you wanted to make a trekking day, the park is perfect for both, ready for welcome you... and your camera!
Inoltre il parco offre un'opportunitĆ unica per i piĆ¹ sportivi: attraversare il fiume con la canoa! Ve ne parlavo giĆ qui, ricordate?
Another great opportunity which the park will give you, is to cross the river trough canoing! I've already talk about here, do you remember?
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Beautiful photos!!! :)