Hi everybody!
Come vi dicevo qui, ho in mente tante novità per The Nature Jotter! :) Tra le prime ho deciso di inserire anche dei post più "generici" non solo con le mie foto, ma anche con foto prese dal web, trattando argomenti più generici. L'obiettivo, è sempre la condivisione, e il scambiare quattro chiacchere!
Oggi, in attesa del Natale, vi parlo proprio di Viaggi e Feste.
Voi come preferite trascorrere le vacanze natalizie?
Ecco qualche idea, a mio parere tutte da provare una volta nella vita! Qual è la vostra preferita? :D
As I said here, there are so many news on The Nature Jotter! Among the first I decided to also post more "generic" not only with my photos, but also with pictures taken from the web, dealing with more general topics. The goal is always sharing, and have a chat!
Today, waiting for Christmas, I speak just of Travel and Holidays.
As you prefer to spend the holidays? Here some ideas, it could be beautiful to improve it during all life!
La prima "opzione", è anche la più tipica forse: Trascorrere il Natale con i familiari. Personalmente, per me non sarebbe Natale se non ci fosse la tavola imbandita e il frastuono dei parenti per casa... forse il tipico modo di festeggiare italiano, almeno nel sud!
The first "option", it is also perhaps the most typical: Spending Christmas with famiLY. Personally, I would not be Christmas if there was no table set and the noise of the family home for ... perhaps the typical Italian way to celebrate, at least in the south!
Ecco qualche idea, a mio parere tutte da provare una volta nella vita! Qual è la vostra preferita? :D
As I said here, there are so many news on The Nature Jotter! Among the first I decided to also post more "generic" not only with my photos, but also with pictures taken from the web, dealing with more general topics. The goal is always sharing, and have a chat!
Today, waiting for Christmas, I speak just of Travel and Holidays.
As you prefer to spend the holidays? Here some ideas, it could be beautiful to improve it during all life!
La prima "opzione", è anche la più tipica forse: Trascorrere il Natale con i familiari. Personalmente, per me non sarebbe Natale se non ci fosse la tavola imbandita e il frastuono dei parenti per casa... forse il tipico modo di festeggiare italiano, almeno nel sud!
The first "option", it is also perhaps the most typical: Spending Christmas with famiLY. Personally, I would not be Christmas if there was no table set and the noise of the family home for ... perhaps the typical Italian way to celebrate, at least in the south!
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Altri invece preferiscono Viaggiare, viaggiare, e ancora viaggiare, più lontani si è, e meglio è. Magari una meta da sogno come Parigi, Londra, Amsterdam, oppure verso la grande mela, grazie ai numerosi voli Milano New York.
Others prefer traveling, traveling, and still travelling, the farther you are, the better. Maybe a dream destination like Paris, London, Amsterdam, or to the Big Apple, thanks to the numerous flights from Milan to New York.
Others prefer traveling, traveling, and still travelling, the farther you are, the better. Maybe a dream destination like Paris, London, Amsterdam, or to the Big Apple, thanks to the numerous flights from Milan to New York.
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Altri invece, preferiscono mete più tranquille e meno caotiche, come una casa in montagna, oppure un rifugio d'alta quota...
Others differently, prefer destinations quieter and less chaotic, like a house in the mountains, or a refuge high altitude ...
Others differently, prefer destinations quieter and less chaotic, like a house in the mountains, or a refuge high altitude ...
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Fonte: Web |
Altri ancora invece preferiscono semplicemente stare davanti al caminetto a casa propria! :)
Still others prefer to just stand in front of the fireplace at home! :)
Still others prefer to just stand in front of the fireplace at home! :)
C'è chi invece proprio non ama l'aria invernale e preferisce "scappare" verso mete più calde...
There are those who just do not like the winter air and prefers to "escape" to the hottest destinations ...
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E voi come preferite trascorrere le vacanze? Partecipate con i vostri commenti anche su Facebook e Twitter! :)
And how you prefer to spend your holidays? Participate with your comments on Facebook and Twitter! :)
3 commenti
Fun photos! I want to be where ever there's snow for the holidays, but mostly with my family. Great post!
ReplyDelete<3 Josephine
We travel 3,000 km (by car) just to leave the warm south to be with family for Christmas - up north in the cold and snow. I agree - without family, Christmas wouldn't quite be the same. Then we travel 3,000 km back to the warmth after New Year's.
ReplyDeleteLovely photos - especially the house in the mountains.
Dipende dall'anno!
ReplyDeleteFashion Smiling ♡
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